



2024年对游戏行业来说是个沉重的裁员之年。最近,索尼做出决定,导致多家知名游戏工作室如 Naughty Dog、Insomniac Games、Guerrilla Games 和 Firesprite 的部分员工无奈离开。在这批裁员名单中,有一位有着18年工龄的 Naughty Dog 艺术家 Santiago Gutierrez,他在LinkedIn上发表了自己的感慨。

在 Naughty Dog 工作了整整18年后,Gutierrez 面临了被解雇的命运。他在社交平台上发布动态,透露自己花了两天时间才鼓足勇气写下离别的话语:“我曾无数次试图表达内心感受,但真的很难。尤其是当面对孩子们,我不禁自问是否哪里做得不够好。18年前,我在这里开始了职业生涯,那个曾创造出无数神奇作品的工作场所,如今却成了我接送孩子上下学途中的一个普通站点。工作室的四壁见证了我的半生岁月,我在此倾力投入于精彩纷呈的项目,与伙伴们共同成长。”


索尼这一轮的裁员举措影响到了世界各地的工作室,甚至有消息称 PlayStation 正在严肃考虑完全关闭伦敦工作室,尽管该工作室曾在2022年为某个项目发布过人员招聘信息。

Naughty Dog Hit By Layoffs. Gutierrez, Employee For 18 Years:

2024 is a year sadly already full of layoffs in the gaming sector. In recent days, Sony has decided to send home several employees of Naughty Dog, Insomniac Games, Guerrilla Games and Firesprite. There is also one of the 'victims' of this series of dismissals Santiago Gutierrez, an artist who has been at Naughty Dog for 18 years and expressed some interesting thoughts on his LinkedIn profile.
In a post on the social network, Gutierrez underlines how he didn't have the strength to talk about his farewell to Naughty Dog: “After two days I find the strength to write something. Believe me, I've tried at least a hundred times. It's not easy when you look at your children and ask yourself 'did I do something wrong?'. Almost eighteen years ago I started working for Naughty Dog. The office, once a place where magic was performed, is now a point I have to walk through to take my children to school. The walls inside the studio bear witness to half of my life as I worked on wonderful projects and shared what I knew with my colleagues.”
In the end, Gutierrez stressed how disoriented he felt after the dismissal: “The sadness isn't just about losing a job, but more about losing a purpose. A community, a team that I love with all my heart. A routine that was intertwined with my daily life. It leaves you with a deep sense of disorientation and sadness because not even at this moment are you allowed to say goodbye in person… after eighteen years. Getting fired became not only the gateway to new studiesbut also the transition towards a journey of transformation where the richness of the experience found finds new canvases on which to paint. The door, once closed, symbolizes the beginning of an unpredictable adventure“.
Sony's latest cuts affect studios around the world. PlayStation seems to be seriously considering the total closure of London Studio. All of this despite the fact that London Studios had published some personnel search advertisements in 2022 to work on that project.
And what do you think? Let us know, as always, below in the comments.
Fonte: LinkedIN








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