



根据资深记者 Jez Corden 的报道,微软和贝塞斯达联合打造的科幻大作《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》近期并不会登陆 PlayStation 5 平台。 

早些时候,有多方消息称微软打算推行跨平台战略,并透露《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》将成为登陆 PS5 的一员。但不久之前,Xbox 部门主管菲尔·斯宾塞澄清,虽然确认会有少数原属于 Xbox 独占的游戏转为多平台发行,但现阶段《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》并不在登录索尼主机的计划之内。斯宾塞还表示:“作为游戏行业的从业者,我们不应该轻易地排除任何一款游戏流向其他平台的可能性。”他同时强调,当前他们正集中精力于几个特定游戏项目,并从中吸取经验,不希望大家对其他平台抱有过高期待,误以为一旦某些游戏跨过壁垒,其余作品便会蜂拥而至,但这并非当前团队的战略布局。

对于《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》未来是否有可能登陆 PS5 的问题,Jez Corden 强调,至少在2024年内不会有相关动作,因为他已从可靠信息源了解到,目前并没有团队着手为 PlayStation 版本的《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》进行开发工作。当被深入询问时,Corden 进一步澄清,他的情报表明《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》目前并无移植计划,并非简单的外包移植工程,而是处于未开发状态。

Microsoft's and Bethesda's Starfield isn't coming to PlayStation 5 anytime soon, according to journalist Jez Corden.
Last month, various sources reported that Microsoft would be going multiplatform. One of the games that would be coming to PlayStation 5 was said to be Starfield. Recently, however, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said that, while confirming that a select few former Xbox console exclusives would be going multiplatform, Starfield isn't coming to Sony's console as this point. "I don't think we should as an industry ever rule out a game going to any other platform", Spencer said about the possibility of other Xbox games being released on rival platforms at some point. "We're focused on these four games and learning from the experience. I don't want to create a false expectation on those other platforms that this is somehow the first four to get over the dam and then the dam's going to open and everything else is coming. That's not the plan today."
As expected, this has many thinking that Starfield will end up on PS5 at some point in the future. So when could this happen? Well, according to WindowsCentral's Jez Corden, at least not this year as a PlayStation version isn't currently in the works. "Since some people are asking me about the latest round of Starfield rumors, I'll say definitively: I have great sourcing that nobody is working on Starfield for PlayStation right now", Corden wrote on X.
When pressed on the matter, Corden added, "I said no exclusive games will go cuz all the games I investigated aren't going, I didn't bother to check on Pentiment cus I didn't feel like it made sense. So yeah, that was a prediction that didn't pan out. Survival game was speculation based on gameplay footage I had seen, looked great to me. That wasnt' sourced really. This is fully sourced. Nobody at Microsoft/subsidiaries is working on Starfield for PS5 today."
Although Starfield allegedly won't be coming to PS5 in 2024, there's still the possibility it will release on Sony's console later on.
there's no outsourced port -_- it just isn't in development right now.
You won't see Starfield on, or announced, for PS5 in 2024. But who knows what the industry looks like in 3+ years. That's the only door I'm leaving open.
— Jez (@JezCorden) March 6, 2024

In other Starfield-related news – Bethesda has released a new Steam beta update for the game, packing new features alongside fixes and improvements aplenty. You can find the full release notes for this beta update (which is coming to Xbox Series X|S later on as well) here.
Starfield is available worldwide now for PC and Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.








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