


Valve: 2024年2月Windows 11 用户占比有所减少

Valve发布了其每月调查结果,显示了经常爱游戏ayx官方PC游戏的用户中关于软件和硬件的平均偏好。其中引人注意的是Windows 11在2024年2月份失去了部分用户。

Steam数据显示:目前有41.96%的同意向Valve分享其电脑配置信息的用户安装了Windows 11系统,这相比上一个月下降了2.28个百分点,但与前一年相比增长了9.9个百分点。请注意,参与此次调查是可选的,且Valve随机选择参与者,因此这些数据并非100%准确,但足以展示平台的平均结果和总体趋势。

至于Windows 10,尽管两个操作系统之间的差距不断缩小,但它仍然保持首位。2024年2月,Windows 10在Steam上的份额增加了2.76个百分点,回升至54.19%。当然,仍有一些用户在旧版且已不再支持的Windows版本上访问Steam。其中,Windows 7 64位占比为0.57%(-0.02),Windows 8.1 64位占比为0.09%(-0.04)。

  • Windows 10 – 54,19% (+2,76)
  • Windows 11 – 41,96% (-2,28)
  • Windows 7 – 0,57% (-0,02)
  • Windows 8.1 – 0,09% (-0,04)


Steam: Windows 11 Lost Users In February 2024
After making a notable leap forward in January 2024, Windows 11 has lost some of its audience, at least according to Valve. The company has published the results of its monthly survey showing average software and hardware preferences among users who regularly play PC games. Something that stands out is that Windows 11 lost users in February.
The February 2024 report shows that Windows 11 is currently installed by 41.96% of all users who have agreed to share their PC specs with Valve. This represents a decrease of 2.28 percentage points in one month and an increase of 9.9 percentage points compared to the previous year. Please remember that participation in the survey is optional and that Valve randomly selects participants. Therefore, the data is not 100% accurate, but it is enough to show the platform's average results and general trends.

As for Windows 10, it remains number one, despite the fact that the difference between the two operating systems is constantly decreasing. In February 2024, Windows 10 gained 2.76 points on Steam, returning to 54.19%. Naturally, there are still those who access Steam on older and now unsupported versions of Windows. Windows 7 64-bit has 0.57% (-0.02) and Windows 8.1 64-bit has 0.09% (-0.04).
Windows 10 – 54,19% (+2,76)
Windows 11 – 41,96% (-2,28)
Windows 7 – 0,57% (-0,02)
Windows 8.1 – 0,09% (-0,04)
Globally, Windows holds 96.91% of all Steam users (+0.39).
Meanwhile, perhaps to sweeten users' mouths, Microsoft officially announced a new version of Windows 11.
“Moment 5” is a relatively small update that focuses on improving accessibility, sharing, Windows 365, screen casting, Windows settings, etc. Meanwhile, the update also contains improvements to Windows Autopatch to give IT administrators more control and simplify update management.
Galati, Romania – June 19, 2022: Checking for Windows 11 updates on laptop screen close up view
Voice Access now supports more languages, custom commands, and additional actions.Narrator now lets you preview natural voices, use a new keyboard shortcut for image descriptions, and more.Windows now allows you to share content with more applications.Windows may suggest screen casting while multitasking and helpful links if you have connection issues.Instant layouts can predict which apps you want to organize and in which layout.New features for Windows 365 like dedicated mode, passwordless authentication, quick account switching, and more.
However, if you don't want to wait until April 2024, you can install the “Moment 5” update right now. Go to Settings > Windows Update and enable the “Get the latest updates as they become available” option. After that, click on “Check for updates” and download the available updates. Please note that new features are being implemented gradually. So you may not get them yet, even with the latest optional updates. Full availability is scheduled for March 2024 for non-security updates.








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