




然而,除了这些视频之外,信息也相当稀缺,可能是由于大流行,也可能是缺乏与西方的沟通(根据其 Steam 页面,《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》目前是自行发行的)

Yet aside from these videos, information had also been quite scarce, perhaps due to the pandemic but also a lack of communication with the West (according to its Steam page, Black Myth: Wukong is presently a self-published release)

然而,它在Gamescom上的出现,据报道,公众排队四个小时才能亲身体验,以及其英文配音预告片在The Game Awards上的首次亮相,这表明当《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》于8月在全球PCPS5和Xbox Series X/S上推出时,游戏科学正在为其漫长的西方之旅做准备

However, its presence at Gamescom, where the public were reportedly queueing for four hours to get hands-on, and the debut of its English dubbed trailer at The Game Awards, is an indication that Game Science is gearing up to the final stretch of its long journey to the West when Black Myth: Wukong launches on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S in August worldwide


And even while there is an interest in premium titles in China via platforms like Steam (albeit with heavy restrictions), free-to-play remains the dominant way to access games back home, making it more imperative for Black Myth to find a global audience if it’s to become a success.

那么,我们能从游戏本身中得到什么呢?如前所述,它肯定是从 Soulslikes 中汲取灵感的,即无情的战斗,治疗有限,休息意味着敌人重生,反复死亡是通向精通的道路,这当然会在与中国神话中强大生物的史诗般的 Boss 战中达到高潮

So what can we expect from the game itself? As mentioned before, it definitely takes inspiration from Soulslikes, that is unforgiving combat where heals are limited, resting means enemies respawning, and repeated death is the path to mastery, which of course culminates in epic boss fights against powerful creatures of Chinese myth.


You are, however, also a nimble monkey man with a stick, making fights faster than the slower, more methodical encounters of Dark Souls, while perfectly-timed dodges slow down time, much like in Bayonetta. There’s also a system more akin to Nioh where you can change between different fighting stances, each giving you different attacks, combos and timings.

这还不包括你可以使用的基于冷却时间的魔法能力,无论是将敌人变成石头,让你自由地哀嚎,还是变身为更强大的造成伤害的野兽。因此,不乏适合您游戏风格的单机爱游戏ayx和技术,即使这是一款比典型的 Soulslike 更注重角色和叙事的游戏(但 Sekiro 确实会浮现在脑海中)

That’s not counting the cooldown-based magical abilities also at your disposal, whether turning enemies to stone letting you freely wail on them or even transforming into a more powerful damage-dealing beast. So there’s no shortage of tools and techniques to suit your play style, even if this is a more character and narrative-focused game than a typical Soulslike (Sekiro does however also spring to mind).

当然,与 FromSoftware 争夺同一片领土并非易事,尤其是在同年,我们也期待 Elden Ring 的扩展。但是,游戏科学比《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》或《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》等游戏的优势在于,它既能从自己的文化和神话中挖掘出来,又能从调皮的美猴王中挖掘出不敬的语气

Fighting for the same territory as FromSoftware is, of course, no easy task, especially in the same year we’re also expecting Elden Ring’s much anticicpated expansion. But where Game Science benefits over the likes of Lords of the Fallen or Lies of P, which make unfavourable comparisons by being so nakedly derivative of Dark Souls and Bloodborne respectively, is that it can mine from its own culture and myths, while there’s also an irreverent tone that’s befitting the mischievous Monkey King.


Its latest trailer certainly gives more of a flavour of the kind of oddball characters and fearsome enemies we can expect, from a dwarven Pinhead-type person, an anthropomorphic tiger, a bird with an old man’s head, to gargantuan beasts, including a winged bug-like creature that our Destined One can be seen riding. In other words, a whole lot more than just the stereotypical dragons, though there’s one of those too.

无论《爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站》是否在魂系类型中留下了印记,它将于 2024 年发布,这也将是龙的十二生肖,象征着高贵、荣誉、运气和成功,几乎可以肯定的是,这将是中国优质游戏未来的重要时刻

Whether or not Black Myth: Wukong makes a mark on the Soulslike genre, its release in 2024, which will also be the Chinese zodiac year of the dragon, a symbol of nobleness, honour, luck, and success, it will almost certainly be an important moment for the future of premium Chinese games.










2023-12-27 0:00:00



2023-12-29 0:00:00

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